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If you want to discover a different kind of porn from a different culture. It’s worth checking it out. Especially if you want something more passionate. QuebecProductions is all about that Canadian porn, and it delivers on all of its promises! It's well-made, the performers are super hot, what more can you ask for?
Pros & Cons:
  • - Very easy to navigate
  • - Big thumbnails
  • - Full HD videos
  • - Not much content
  • - No uploads since 2018

Usually, when I recommend sites I tend to also look into non-English ones. Because you can find real gems if you know where to search. And this is the case with the official website of the Quebec-based porn company of the same name. Off the bat, I can tell you that this is one of the biggest and most successful Canadian porn sites ever.

So they really have it going for them. Still, they haven’t been uploaded since 2018 which could be a deal-breaker despite their fame. Still, I know what you’re thinking. Is not knowing French going to be an issue? Nope. The site is very easy to navigate, you can find the content in the blink of an eye and really you don’t need to know any language to find what you want. The big thumbnails and the previews really help in choosing the best fit.

As of now, they have over 174 videos ready to be seen and enjoyed. They are Full HD 1080p in quality so you can really see the best bits in action. You can also find over 41 DVDs to buy. As for photo sets, you can find 174 galleries chock-full of goodies. Another great thing is that the porn stars you will see there are 100% from Quebec so you know you’re getting something special and different with this one. A bit more exotic and hotter. If a particular porn star takes your fancy you can comment on her dedicated page and even view related videos with her as the site is very intuitive when it comes to content and recommending stuff to you.

Yes, it might be on the smaller side when it comes to porn sites but the content it does have is top-notch and the porn stars are only the best in the industry. Its videos are sexy and passionate and quite different from what you usually find in the American market, for instance. You can also expect some good sense of humor thrown in there to make things more interesting.

All in all, I recommend it, if only to discover a different kind of porn from a different culture. It’s worth checking it out. Especially if you want something more passionate.


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