Girls Under Arrest
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What would you do to get out of jail? Well, you don't need to answer that question because Girls Under Arrest does it for you! These babes get in jail and take the sexy way out, and they are oh so determined it gets pretty hardcore. Check out my review to find out if this is for you!
Pros & Cons:
  • 4K videos
  • Access To Over 52,000 Videos
  • Over 250+ Channels to Choose From
  • Access to Adult Time network
  • 8 uploads per day across the network
  • Limited amount of content
  • Videos are not dated on channels

Now, this is an interesting one. dabbles in reality porn and it does a pretty good job of it. Most of its content is based on footage of police work. Only the scenarios feature really bad babes who would do anything to get out of jail time or a fine.

This is yet another series brought to you by Adult Time and you can expect that mind-blowing quality and regular updates. This series is more documentary-styled but still quite enjoyable. You will feel as if you’re part of the action as a dirty copy fucking all these babes trying to get off scot-free.

What do you get if you join?

All the videos you will find here are shot handheld to make the scenes more realistic and I think it really works too. You really feel as if you’re witnessing these scenes as if they were real.

You get uploads regularly so there’s no issue there, about 8 per day to be exact. And as part of your membership, you also get access to over 50,000 videos and over 250 channels to browse at your leisure. Chock-full of all kinds of porn and a variety of performers. As for the site itself, you get over 10 videos,( all about 35 minutes long), solely centered around the crooked cop/hot babe dynamic. All videos are in HD and you can also download them. You also get a photo gallery for each video which comprises about 10 to 15 photos. Some of the bonus videos are in 4K.

What’s the site like?

Aside from that, you get a clean-looking website, with huge thumbnails so you can see exactly what you’re getting into.

Now, a downside I find a bit annoying is that the monthly membership is stream only. You will need an annual membership to get downloads too and I think that could make some users not want it all. I really hope they’ll change this approach.

What is the privacy aspect?

As with all Adult Time channels and productions, you can rest assured that your activity is private and discreet. Your credit card statement won’t show the site name on your purchases. Instead, you will see the name of the payment processing company you’ve used (e.g. Segpay) so only you will know what that’s about. You also won’t get any intrusive emails unless you sign up for those.

Lastly, your personal data will not be shared with any third-party apps, and your credit card information will not be shared with the site.

Do I recommend it?

All in all, if you want porn from top producers in the industry, good search and sort options, a fast-moving site, and constant updates then this is for you. Also, access to the whole Adult Time network doesn’t hurt either. Especially given their huge library of movies and clips. Plus, the fact that it gets constantly updated is a major bonus in its favor.


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